My “Freedom Project” for SEP10 is all about Fashion/apparel. The purpose of this project is to make a website that shows how technology is involved within the Fashion industry. This website shows the current softwares and hardwares that currently exist that help with fashion as well as future technology that could exist one day.
For my project, I am making a website about Fashion/apparel using HTML, CSS, and Github. I've had a lot to do during completing this such as my process of independently studying both the topic and the Code to complete making the website. I have had difficulties, challenges, and achievements throughout this project. I have learned a very large amount and have put a lot of time into this project.
This has been a project I have been working on here and there for almost an entire year. I have put a lot of time and effort into it and I'm proud of it. I'm not proud of much, but this one I am. There have been a copious amount of difficulties which have taught me a lot. I had challenges with finding the information needed for my website, with actually making my website, with learning on my own, thinking about how I will present this, the list goes on and on. I have learned a lot but there are a few main lessons I have learned from this project so I will list my main takeaways. The top one has to be time management. There have been a lot of assignments leading up to this one final project and getting them done on time is not something I have done constantly. I realized the older I get the more work that comes and this year proved that. In my upcoming years the workload is only going to increase, meaning I have to start becoming more on top of my work or I will fall behind. Another main takeaway is to ask for help. I haven't always been the type of person to ask for help; however throughout this project I have had plenty of issues that I had to ask for help. Such as when I don't understand the code, or why my code isn't working, or what should I do, asking for help is how I got my final product to where it is. I asked friends in my class as well as those who aren't. It helped significantly which has taught me to ask for help more often. My last main takeaway is to have more confidence in myself which is also something I don't do often. I genuinely thought I wasn't going to do well on a lot of my class assignments, and it ended fine. I've never taken into consideration how much work I actually put in because I always think about what I could have done more. I've learned from this project that I put in more work then I think and should be proud of what I do. I see what I have made and me looking back at how much I knew at the beginning of this school year shows how far I've come. Of course there is so much more out there, but now I appreciate and acknowledge that I have taken a few steps forward in my software engineering education. The next step is to now go onto 11th grade sep. When I first entered high school, this stage I am about to enter seemed so far away, now we're here. It will 100% be difficult and will continue to have moments where I want to give up, but if I've learned anything from this year, I have gained trust in myself that I can handle it.